Time Out: Gaining Time by the Minute

There’s nothing like daylight savings time to get you to observe how dramatic a small shift in time becomes. Push back one hour, and all of a sudden it’s instant winter. People are like, ‘Wow, when did it get so dark out?’ And, hot chocolate sales start to rise. Saving time as a business owner can have a similar effect on you. But, instead of greeting the coming of winter, you’ll be saying things like, ‘Wow, I just got home, and it’s not even dark yet!’ For law firms, just like for any other business, change start s small; and, it’s the same thing when it comes to better managing your productivity. There are some immediate changes you can make to your law firm that will incur massive incremental value. So, if you buy a second monitor for your desktop, laptop or tablet, you’re eliminating many of the several seconds you spend opening and closing windows every day. Over the course of months and years, that time adds...