Office Space: Is It Time to Reduce Your Footprint?
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has changed many of lawyers’ closely-held beliefs about how to run a law practice. Not a single aspect of law firm business management is being left unexamined. And, as law firm concerns over revenue grow, cost - cutting measure s begin to intercede. At this point, a number of law firms have furloughed staff; but, many have held onto the second largest office expense: the office itself. That may change, however, as social distancing requirements linger. If no one, or fewer people, are at the office, your law firm won’t require as much office space. And, it’s likely that you and your employees are becoming far more proficient in working at home. If those trends continue, it’s the smart business decision to reduce office space, and so your monthly rental nut. Of course, that was the smart move before you ever even heard of the coronavirus; but, you were probably too afraid to pull the trigger. Law firms are the very definition of traditiona