New Hire: How to Find Good People

You know what they say: good people are hard to find. And, if you run a business, you know that it’s true. The most difficult hurdle to law firm growth is staffing up. Managing people is definitely tough; but, so is hiring the right people in the first place. The good news is that hiring well can be a learned skill, too, just like becoming a good manager. If you’ve never hired before, or screwed it up in the past, here are some tips for getting it right the first time . . . or the next time: - Build a candidate profile. Most lawyers just draft a job description (or have someone else do it), and that’s that. But, that doesn’t give you a complete picture of what you want ; it’s just a snapshot of what you need . You’re more likely to find the perfect candidate i f you have a notion of what that person looks like. Drill down to specifics. ...