Settle Down: Build a Rate Sheet to Capture More Revenue

The majority of business owners have a very difficult time price setting. However, much of that effort (meant to define the value for what a professional does ) is most often undone by those same professionals. This is especially true of lawyers, who don’t like to talk with clients about money, and are more than willing to discount their services at the slightest provocation. This becomes a significant problem, as attorneys reduce their effective rates via the method of death by a thousand cuts. Law firms usually bleed revenue in fits and starts, until they begin to hemorrhage it; and, constantly discounting in an inconsistent manner is where it starts. Plus, clients and referral sources talk about how a particular lawyer can be a soft touch ; so, not only does this issue exist in a vacuum, it most often mushrooms over time. Law firms that staunch the bleeding, tend to make more money overall, and per hour. ...