Relaunch: How to Market Your Old Law Firm Like You Just Opened It

It’s a well-known fact that attorneys don’t spend enough effort staying in touch with clients and referral sources. Updates are substantive and never personal. Of course, that’s a problem -- because much of modern marketing is executing on an omnichannel plan, and staying relevant by staying in touch. So, if your law firm is really bad about keeping in touch with clients and referrals sources, why not pretend like you just started your law firm? Reannounce yourself to the world, then use that as the launching pad for a consistent marketing program. So, what would you do if you were reopening a law firm, say , 10 years in? Glad you asked; here are three options: -Collect the fullest contact list you can (former and existing clients, referral sources and colleagues, friends and family), and send out an email about your practice. Reorient people into what you do, and del...