Sign of the Times: eSignatures Offer Law Firms Flexibility

Law firms that require paper-based signatures are committed to in-person meetings ; b ut, th ose may not always be feasible . In some cases, the decision is out of the lawyers’ hands, for example: during a personal, national or global disaster. Of course, there are ot her reasons why your law firm may want to utilize esignatures . Not requiring a physical signature likely means that you can add new clients faster , because you won’t have to set up an on-person meeting to do it . With e signatures , signing can take place closer to the time of conversion, which also means that you can get started working faster. It also may be more convenient for a potential client or existing client to sign online, perhaps because they don’t want to come to your office, and pay for parking. There are a million reaso ns for law firm clients to prefer esignatures . ...