Walking Man: How Do You Oversee a Distributed Workforce?

Lawyers tend to manage in place. They oversee staff by walking around the office, to randomly check in on people, like Lumberg from ‘Office Space’ . They can also be vicious micromanagers. It’s understandable to an extent, of course; if someone in the office screws up in a major way, it’s the attorney’s license that’s on the line. I get it. But, there is a better way; and, a way that is becoming increasingly necessary for law firms . In the current environment, law firms are managing distributed workforces on the fly. Often, there’s no more physical office available to be occupied , to walk around in . No more coworkers in your physical presence to hover over. So, what do you do now ? It’s time to finally rely on technology to manage your law firm. Managing a remote staff is about creating task-based, time-sensitive workflows , in...