The Matrix: Does Your Law Have a Way to Move Cases Forward?

Sure, you might say: because we eventually close every case we work on. Of course, that’s not exactly the question. What I’m really asking is: D o you have efficient processes in place for moving cases forward? The simple fact is that you probably aren’t as efficient as you need to be. One thing that law firms often neglect is creating methods for driving t he right cases ahead, at speed. To that end, I often suggest that law firms institute case matrices. A simple example of how this can work is as follows: A personal injury l aw firm builds a case list, and then assigns settlement dates and settlement amounts for each case. Pretty simple, sure; but, also very powerful, because now the entire law firm (attorneys and staff) have specific goals to work toward. And then, the data becomes measurable: Did you close the case in time? Did you settle for the anticipated amount? If cases aren’t cl...