Go Green: An Evergreen Retainer Can Help with Collections

Law firm collection rate s tend to be well below average. That’s in part because law firms are great extenders of credit. They’ll taka a retainer upfront, struggle to collect any more money, and then continue to work through a situation in which it’s unlikely they ’ ll get paid anything more. This is precisely why most senior lawyers will tell their juniors to get paid as much as possible upfront, because another dime may not ever come. But, that's bad advice in a market in which there is continued downward pressure on legal fees; and, it also encourages attorneys to avoid a fixable problem. It’s not the only solution available, but one method for dramatically increasing your collection s is to adopt an evergreen retainer model. The way it works is : the law firm sets a retainer amount for an initial client payment ; and then, moving forward, it’s the client’s job to ‘top off’...