Let Me Google That For You: 2 Free Tools to Improve Your Web Presence

Many law firms don’t have a better web presence in part because they don’t know enough about their existing web presence to improve upon it . At a baseline level, most lawyers don’t often Google their own name, or the name of their law firm – so, they have no idea what potential legal c lients see about them , when they are searching for legal services . Conducting a ‘vanity search’ on Google, however, is only the first step in anteing up to table stakes for online marketing. You can learn a lot about your website’s performance in search using two free Google tools: Search Console and Analytics . Search Console gives you a direct view into how your website performs in search, including information about how Google views your site’s performance. It also allows you to submit content to Google, and alerts you to issues Google has identified with your web presence. The Google Search Console page offers more basic inf...