Engagement Party: Your Fee Agreement Is More than a Recitation of the Cost of Legal Services

Many attorneys will try to rush through the drafting and explanation of a fee agreement. The job, as they see it, is to get the fee out there, and to define the scope of legal services, as quickly as possible – so that the client will sign off, and so that the lawyer can go back to what they really want to do, which is to practice substantive law. But, there’s so much more that you can do with your engagement agreements, to make them truly engaging (see what I did there), and to set the tone for a more useful attorney-client relationship. Here are three potential additions you could consider to your standard fee agreement, that will truly turn it in to an engagement agreement: - Add a Technology Clause. In part to better govern client communications (more on that in a second), you should relay to your clients the technology you use in the firm. This will also allow you to get their sign-off on using that technology stack, and allow...