Change the Narrative: Your Invoices Probably Need Better Billing Descriptions

Every interaction a law firm has with a client is a marketing opportunity, a chance to cement your value as a service provider And, there’s actually no better place to solidify that relationship than through your invoicing. It’s a continuous, repetitive option for remind ing your client of what you’ve done for them. It places your value proposition in stark relief. And, yet – many law firms squander this opportunity by using unrecognizable codes and short-form narratives in their billing. Instead of trying to rush your bills out the door, craft them instead. Utilize billing codes that even clients can understand; and, avoid lame abbreviations (looking at you, ‘TC’). Build effective descriptions for each billed item – using macros or software that can help you to draft those quicker. Indicate where you haven’t billed, by placing a nice, fat ‘NO CHARGE’ indicator on that entry. This is the short list; but, if you start to loo...