Bring It In: Law Firms Continue to Key In On Intake Personnel

Since the COVID pandemic struck, and law firms were forced to immediately reenvision their intake processes as digital programs – attorney s have been more focused on the ‘ client journey ’ than ever before . That’s , of course, taken on many forms, with law firms adopting click-to-call and chat on websites, onboarding CRM softwares , and adding esignature and epayment functionality to workflows. And, that’s all great, because all of those items on that tick list allow attorneys to more effectively convert clients . Now, while the intake process for a law firm can be totally digital , many attorneys still prefer to utilize staff to manage, at least parts of, the intake process . Oftentimes, law firms will push that duty onto existing staff . Sometimes, attorneys are picking up the phone, to talk to potential clients . Or, a paralegal is scheduling appointments for new leads . Or, maybe intake is just part of an administrator’s set of ...