Chatterbox: Is ChatGPT Going to Take Your Job?

Every lawyer I've spoken to in the last month or so, has been talking about ChatGPT , which has sort of captured the societal zeitgeist. And, whenever the concepts of machine learning or artificial intelligence are brough t up – they’re two very different things, actually – attorneys always start asking: Is this new tech going to take my job? Well, if recent use cases respecting ChatGPT are any indication : the answer is a resounding ‘no ’. At least, it appears that a tool like ChatGPT will not be taking over for ‘real’ lawyers any time soon . So, let’s examine some of the use cases. A friend of mine who is an ethics attorney used ChatGPT to find caselaw on an ethics issue - just one problem, ChatGPT completely made up three cases, that didn't actually exist . Another lawyer asked ChatGPT to create a legal brief - it was great with the case cites (this time), but the narrative was wonky: it wasn't written like a lawyer. One of my current c...