Glide Path: Revisiting the Client Journey

It’s important for law firms to create and manage a ‘ client journey ’ . In layperson’s terms, that’s really just an intake process. So, you have to ask yourself the question: ‘How do leads become clients of my firm?’ And then , you need to follow that primary question down all pathways, eg – How many times do we followup to schedule an initial intake, before giving it up ? When does a lead become a ‘lost lead ’, that we just revert to a followup drip campaign, to see if that person ever reenters the top of the funnel? This kind of thinking offers your law firm a discrete competitive advantage, in that most other law firms will take on a new lead, and then ask them to m ake a single next step . . . before entirely forgetting about them, and never doing any kind of followup . You can potentially poach lots of leads from other law firms, if you focus on the conversion process, as architected through a client journ ey . Now , w...