Guess, Work: Regular Incentives Work Better Than Ad Hoc Bonuses

Law firms lack structure, generally; and, that’s also true of how they compensate their lawyers, beyond their salaries . And, that’s maybe the most dangerous game to be playing in the current hiring environment – because, if you can’t keep your current staff happy, they’re more likely to be able to find an alternate position, easier and faster than they ever have before. Most law firm s rely on ad hoc bonuses for their employees; but, that’s a bad idea . One reason that’s the case is because those sorts of bonuses come at random times for random reasons . That creates an expectation that they’ll come along again, but without grounding for how or when . And then, since there’s nothing tied to those bonuses aside from the whims of a managing attorney, it will inevitably lead to bad feelings for the attorneys who don’t get bonused, because there is no quantifiable reason for why or when the bonus was paid. Now, contrast that to a...