Trial by Fire: Lawyers Don't Have to Be Perfect, When It Comes to Business Management

Running a business, really, is conducting one big experiment . You’re continually testing hypotheses, and seeing whether they work . You need to make frequent adjustments, to tweak things , for the better . You could say that a business owner is like a scientist – perhaps a less glamorous analogy would be that it’s like owning an old car, that you constantly have to fix. In any event, no successful business owner has a perfect record . Though, that’s not a bad thing , necessarily . Making mistakes, iterating on them, and improving – is basically what business owners do. Of course, that can be a difficult thing for law firm business owners to get their heads around . That’s because most of them are lawyers – and lawyers are trained to be perfect, to never make mistakes, with the ever-present threat of an ethics claim hanging over their heads . But, running a business is not practicing law . It’s okay to make...