Happy Happy, Joy Joy: Public Displays of Affection for Your Amazing Employees Will Help You to Get More of Them

Ren & Stimpy were both right : There’s nothing that helps more in bringing in your next great employee, than praising the ones you already have . (Well, maybe they didn’t say that exactly .) Now, most hiring attorneys recognize that the office environment i s changing in a major way – and, that’s not only with respect to where lawyers practice law nowadays. Modern employees also want more flexibility, new opportunities + (especially) more feedback . And, if you can provide those things, and be (or, be come ) a good boss, your employees will talk about it, and word will get around . Now, the problem with that is that each of your current crop of employees has a limited network . So, you can’t just rely on them spreading the word, in order to find your next hire . And, the next hire is always the important one, since hiring fuels law firm growth. So, what do you? You have to be more public about the work exper...