Trading Up: Law Firms Can Now Have Brand Names, But Should They?

Now, this wasn’t always a thing; but, as of now: law firms in any jurisdiction of the United States can utilize ‘trade names’ . What that effectively means is that, so long as you don’t choose a name that’s misleading, you can select a brand name for your law . That’s kind of a big deal; because it’s difficult to convey what your offering is to potential clients, simply by naming your law firm after your and/or your partners ’ names . Did you know that the founders of PepBoys tire & auto repair were named: Maurice Strauss, Jack Jackson, Emanuel Rosenfeld and Moe Radavitz ? Try slapping that all onto a sign, and creating brand associations around what you do . Hence the trade name ‘Pep Boys ’. Yet, lawyers have had to try to make due with a very limited marketing pathway, i n certain jurisdictions . So, now: You can adopt a trade name anywhere . But, should you ? Probably . Unless your law firm ...