Writer's Block: There Are Other Content Options If You're Sick of Drafting

Writing is a pain . I don’t even want to be doing this, if we’re being honest. And, l awyers, man – they’re drafting stuff all the time . It gets old. So, if one of the reasons you’ve decided not to market your practice, is because you think a lot of writing is involved (like, for: blogging, whiter papers, practice guides, etc.) – I’ve got good news for you : Legal consumers don’t like reading your writing, any more than you like writing it. In fact, most potential legal clients are consuming audio (like podcasts) and video (like TikTok and YouTube Shorts) as aggressively, as just about everybody else . So, it turns out that you can save time marketing your law firm, simply by converting your strategy t o focus more on audio and video . Bonus: that’s probably the smarter way to do it. If that sounds (and looks) good to you, you can get started by recording a short video ...