Knock Three Times: Intake Tips for Modern Law Firms

Maybe the most important activity that you can engage as a business owner, is to convert leads into clients – because, without that process being successful: you don’t really have a business . . . what you’ve got is a hobbyNow, ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, law firms have been far more attuned to intake, than previously – but, there are still some refinements that can be made, to that process. 

First, law firms should endeavor to create a ‘universal intake form’ – that can be used by any staffperson or outside vendor, in any contextIn order for that to work, attorneys will need to build intake forms that include document logic – so that requires that specific answers generate unique pathwaysFor example, if the completer of the form selects a specific practice area, a different set of questions generate than would appear for a different practice area selectionIf you can map this all out correctly, your in-house or outside intake person could complete the form – but, so could you, or the lead, or really anyone else, on their behalfHaving a single form also ensures that you collect the same data from every new lead, which makes it easier to generate effective reporting. 


Second, ensure that each component of your intake workflow (usually referred to as a ‘pipeline’) is based on an actionYou want to be as granular as possible here, in terms of how you build out those workflows – so, it makes sense to focus on tasks, eg – schedule a consult meeting, request a payment, request a signature on a document, etc.  That will allow you to stay on top of the performance of your staff and/or software, in terms of that process managementThis works because, the intake process is mostly about moving leads along a pathway, and that is done by getting to next actions, as quickly as possible. 


Third, you should endeavor to automate as many actions as possibleMost modern intake tools, including full-scale ‘customer relationship management’ softwares, include many automation features – to the point that law firms can automate the entire intake process (save for conflict checking + the initial client meetings), if they select the right software.  Automation is cheaper than utilizing staff for manual tasks, and also allows you to upskill your intake staff, into more important roles. 


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Your intake process can (and should!) work like a charm; and, we can help you to get it there. 

Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia's Red Cave Law Firm ConsultingNational Creditors' Bar Association members have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discount rate.

To get started, visit Red Cave's NCBA landing page, and start running your law practice like a business.


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