Wayfinder: What’s the Next Phase of Your Law Firm’s Growth?
Despite the way that attorneys often act, the law firm timeline is not a direct one, from open to close. There are bumps along the way, and also phases. In modern video games, wayfinder beacons guide players to a final destination . Each segment makes up a whole journey. Law firms operate in the same way. (As does the movie ‘ Moana ’.) And, by the way, your law firm is always moving forward; it has to be , it’s like a shark – because, the opposite of growth, is stagnation. Or, as Red from ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ so eloquently puts it: ‘ Get busy living, o r get busy dying ’. So, don’t think of managing your law firm as a long, slow death march. Instead, be mindful; focus on ma naging the effectiveness of each phase. Of course, to do that, you’d have to know what phase you’re in. Maybe you’re hiring for the first time,...