Get Back: Lawyers are Really Bad at Following Up with Leads

Perhaps the most damning of a series of damning facts about law firms released within the latest Clio Legal Trends Report (link here), is this: 89% of lawyers surveyed believed that their law firms followup with potential clients within 24 hours; 62% of law firms actually never follow up with leads at all. 

I’ll let that sink in. 

The Report also goes on to indicate that of the law firm clients surveyed, 89% want to hear back from the law firm within 24 hours, while 24% want to hear back within a few hours and 10% want to hear back within the hour.  Guess what?  Those demands are only going to increase over time. 

This whole dialogue is, of course, representative of the massive disconnect not only between lawyers and consumers, but also between lawyers and their own marketing efforts.  Many times, in law firms, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing — except that the right hand is always focused on substantive legal tasks, not business management tactics. 

There are, though, fixes available for this malady.  Law firms can create intake systems, including client journeys.  Law firms can automate marketing processes, and reduce reliance on humans: who eat lunch, and take breaks.  Law firms can increase engagement across the board, where they tend to ignore client and lead followup in the regular course of business.  The fact of the matter is that clients want you; but, you don’t need to be the first point of contact . . .and neither does any other human. 

Your law firm can utilize technology and automation to help you to actually respond to clients the way you think you do. 

. . . 

Feel like you’re letting leads slip through the cracks?  We can help. 

Through a unique partnership between the bar association and Jared Correia's Red Cave Law Firm ConsultingNational Creditors' Bar Association members now have access to experienced law practice management consultants at a special discount rate.  To get started, visit Red Cave's NCBA landing page, and start running your law practice like a business.


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